Friday, January 29, 2010

Curtis Coleman: Money Bomb Saturday--1/30/2010

from America, You Asked For It!

Earlier this month, we helped stop the Obama-Pelosi-Reid fast train to a government takeover of the US health care system. The battle that ground the Democrat engine to a halt took place in Massachusetts, but patriots from across America sacrificed their valuable time and hard-earned money to help make the victory possible. We can now expect more candidates to try to tap the cooperation and corroboration of Americans from coast-to-coast that helped MA Republican Scott Brown win the seat Democrats never thought they could lose.

One of Brown’s most successful tactics came in the form of an online “Money Bomb” that raised over $1.3 million in just one day! Thousands of individuals donated as little as $5 to help Brown become the Senator-elect who will soon take the seat so long occupied by the iconic liberal Democrat Ted Kennedy. Now, Arkansas Republican candidate for US Senate Curtis Coleman hopes to boost his campaign coffers utilizing the Brown model.

Coleman is one of four GOP candidates Rasmussen shows leading Senator Blanche Lincoln in this year’s race to represent Arkansas in the US Senate. But the conservative business owner lags behind the GOP establishment favorite in raising campaign cash for the race, and has announced he will be holding his own “Money Bomb” tomorrow.

Calling his event “10 for ‘10“, Coleman has set a goal of 1,000 Facebook friends contributing $10 each to raise $10,000 on Saturday. His slogan, “Change America for $10“, implies that anyone (everyone?) in America can do a little to accomplish dramatic, real change for these United States.

Coleman was one of the first to commit to challenge the incumbent Lincoln, and he’s been working hard to establish an impressive grassroots network of supporters across the state. He’s been present at numerous Tea Party events across the state, working the crowd when he wasn’t addressing them. He’s used social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook to a much greater extent than his competition. We’ve heard supporters state this extraordinary level of interaction during the campaign and his promise to continue to engage his constituents once elected are the reasons they’ve chosen to support Coleman.

Tomorrow we’ll find out just how effective his efforts have been. If his Money Bomb proves successful, Coleman’s grassroots efforts and extensive use of the internet and social networking may prove to be the tactic that turns the establishment GOP on its head. Members of the Republican hierarchy that call on Coleman and others to drop out and let their candidate run unopposed just might be silenced. And a real Republican primary, where the people of Arkansas choose their nominee, just might occur.

Friday, January 22, 2010

AR GOP Senate candidates hit the airwaves

Two of the GOP candidates for Arkansas' Senate seat this year have launched the first TV ads of the campaign. Col. Conrad Reynolds and Curtis Coleman both claim to be the first of the nine announced candidates to take their message to the television.

Reynold's ad announces his upcoming campaign tour featuring Sam Wurzelbacher, aka Joe the Plumber, later this month. Coleman's ad is titled "Conservative Comment" and takes on wasteful government spending. Both candidates keep their message positive without mentioning their Republican Challengers or Sen. Blanche Lincoln. (D-AR)

Here are the two 30 second ads followed by a poll where you can select which candidate's ad is more effective.

You decide: Which ad is the most effective?

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Action Alert: Lonoke County Quorum Court--1/21/2010

One premise of the Tea Party is that accountability of elected officials must exist at all levels--federal, state, and local.

Now is the time for all concerned citizens of Lonoke County to stand up and hold their elected officials accountable! District 13 Justice of the Peace Mark Edwards has informed the Lonoke County Republican Committee of a troublesome item on the agenda for this month's Quorum Court meeting.

It appears the County Judge and JP Larry Odom may have held private meetings to negotiate a deal for Lonoke County to purchase land owned by Odom. The Court plans to vote on an ordinance to allow this at this week's meeting!

Apparently, the ordinance will authorize the county to pay ~$40,000 per acre for land adjacent to a tract that recently sold for $25,000 per acre. Also, the Arkansas Highway Department may have plans to build a cloverleaf at the exit in the future. If so, AHD will be required to purchase the land at that time. If this deal goes through, the taxpayers of Lonoke County may be throwing their money away to line the pockets of a local politician.

Two other important issues on the agenda are $67,000 of money missing from the Sheriff's office and the recently reported "double-dipping" by elected officials in Lonoke County. Edwards says, "There are sweetheart deals being made in the county and what appears to be outright corruption going on by both Democrats in large part from our County Judge down as well as Larry Odom in our own party."

Ladies and gentlemen, the Tea Party exists to stop exactly this sort of thing! Please join us at the Quorum Court meeting to let your voice be heard.

Time:6:30 pm
Place:Courthouse Annex

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Let's get this ball rolling!

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Whether you participated in the Tea Parties that shook the political landscape up last year, or whether you're just now becoming so fed up that you feel the need to get involved, I'm glad you've showed an interest in the Tea Party of Lonoke County!

Early on the Tea Party organizers decided not to create a centralized national organization, but chose instead to let small, local organizations lead at the grassroots level. Mainstream media reports that protests you've seen were organized and orchestrated by caviar eating elites in distant penthouses are completely false. However, from time-to-time a local Tea Party organizer will come up with an idea for a protest that will become popular across the country.

Such was the case last August with the protest we organized in Cabot outside Rep. Marion Berry's office. Eric Odom of Chicago threw out the idea for a Recess Rally, named so because it was intended to take place during Congress' annual August recess. Without any advertising, or reports in local media, we managed to get about 100 protesters on the street to let our elected officials know we're tired of them representing Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid instead of Arkansas voters.

Since then, we have participated in other events across the state with other local Tea Parties, but haven't moved forward to organize the Tea Party of Lonoke County.

Now that the election year has arrived, our time has come. I and others believe this year's election is a pivotal point in our nation's history. WIll we vote to turn back to the constitutional principles that made the United States the greatest country in the world? Or will we vote to continue down the path to ruin via Socialism that we're currently traveling?

Our mission is simple. We intend to seek, support, promote, and endorse candidates who will fight for a return of
  1. Limited Government
  2. Fiscal Responsibility
  3. Accountable Elected Officials
We believe our current representatives in Washington have taken us in the wrong direction. From the takeover of private industry, to the infamous bailouts, to our own elected officials calling us un-American for practicing our constitutional rights, they have proven they have little understanding of the Constitution or the people of Arkansas.

It's up to us to change that. We can (must) find candidates who will go to Washington and represent us!

I hope you'll join us and get involved. Until now, the extent of my political activism has been to vote in November, and sometimes in the May primary. Since these Socialists gained power in 2008, that has changed dramatically. I realized that I could no longer stand on the sidelines and let others determine the course of our nation.

It's up to each one of us to make sure our elected officials never forget who they represent, and that they work for us. So please join us and help make that happen!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Join Us!

If you are fed up with politics as usual, if you are looking for a place where you can make a difference, if you want to help stop the mad dash to becoming the United Socialist States of America, then sign up to join the Tea Party of Lonoke County.

Complete the form below and you'll receive email updates on events, candidates, and threats to our values by politicians at the local, state, and federal level. You can also let us know to what level you'll be able to assist in our efforts.

We appreciate your interest and participation and look forward to working with you!

Gift Shop

We have no paid advertising, and don’t solicit readers for donations. So, we’ve decided to use the web to try and develop products our readers may be interested in purchasing. You can purchase these items as gifts or to make your own political statements, and you’ll be helping us keep the lights on at the same time!

The product line will grow as we find time to develop new stuff, and we welcome any suggestions you may have for products you’d like to see added.

To make a purchase, simply click the title or image of the item you want to buy.

Thanks in advance for helping us keep you informed!

Stop the Madness 2010