from America, You Asked For It!
The Obama-Pelosi-Reid branch of the Chicago mob now operating in Washington, DC bribed, cajoled, promised, and threatened their weak-kneed Democrat allies in the US House and Senate to convince a razor-thin majority of jackasses to ignore the will of the American electorate and put the locomotive in motion that will carry us on the 10-year journey to a US health care system completely controlled by Uncle Sam.
They celebrated their unpopular victory as conquerors...conquerors of subjects they rule rather than citizens they represent.
From the time the House of Representatives made their first plan public in July of last year, public approval has trended downward as the electorate read the bill and realized just how expansive and intrusive the plan was. Though approval spiked upward from time to time (especially during the President's promotional tours fawned over by the mainstream media), Americans were never fooled for long.
President Obama and his Democrat henchmen (and henchwomen) continued to negotiate behind closed doors, ignore any GOP attempts to influence the negotiations, and campaign for the passage of the bill most American voters found abhorrent. Earlier this month, the President couldn't even answer a reporter's question about what was in the bill and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said, "We have to pass the bill so you can...uh...find out what is in it."
Well, they did pass it and now we're finding out what's in it.
Obama got the expected bounce in the polls that comes with any nearly any political victory, but the bounce was temporary. Today, Rasmussen's Presidential Approval Index is back at the same level as before the Sunday night vote...

For the dimwitted Democrats who believed the Obama-Pelosi-Reid-MSM tripe that we would love the bill once they crammed it down our throats, you were wrong (again)!
We still hate it!!!!!!!!
Tags: Obamacare, Rasmussen, Presidential Approval Index, Polls, Approval, Health Care, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Socialism, USSA
If you share or post to your site, please include the following line:
Hat Tip: America, You Asked For It!

The Obama-Pelosi-Reid branch of the Chicago mob now operating in Washington, DC bribed, cajoled, promised, and threatened their weak-kneed Democrat allies in the US House and Senate to convince a razor-thin majority of jackasses to ignore the will of the American electorate and put the locomotive in motion that will carry us on the 10-year journey to a US health care system completely controlled by Uncle Sam.
They celebrated their unpopular victory as conquerors...conquerors of subjects they rule rather than citizens they represent.
From the time the House of Representatives made their first plan public in July of last year, public approval has trended downward as the electorate read the bill and realized just how expansive and intrusive the plan was. Though approval spiked upward from time to time (especially during the President's promotional tours fawned over by the mainstream media), Americans were never fooled for long.
President Obama and his Democrat henchmen (and henchwomen) continued to negotiate behind closed doors, ignore any GOP attempts to influence the negotiations, and campaign for the passage of the bill most American voters found abhorrent. Earlier this month, the President couldn't even answer a reporter's question about what was in the bill and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said, "We have to pass the bill so you can...uh...find out what is in it."
Well, they did pass it and now we're finding out what's in it.
Obama got the expected bounce in the polls that comes with any nearly any political victory, but the bounce was temporary. Today, Rasmussen's Presidential Approval Index is back at the same level as before the Sunday night vote...
For the dimwitted Democrats who believed the Obama-Pelosi-Reid-MSM tripe that we would love the bill once they crammed it down our throats, you were wrong (again)!
We still hate it!!!!!!!!
Tags: Obamacare, Rasmussen, Presidential Approval Index, Polls, Approval, Health Care, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Socialism, USSA
If you share or post to your site, please include the following line:
Hat Tip: America, You Asked For It!
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