On Thursday, more than 3,000 people gathered at the Arkansas State Capitol to make their voices heard and demand a return to Constitutional governance.
Arkansas Tea Party, Secure Arkansas, and Americans for Prosperity joined forces and put on a rally that only mainstream media outlets could ignore. Giving credit where credit is due, Arkansas' only statewide newspaper did run a story on the massive protest complete with the following caption on a photo.
"A crowd of a few thousand gathered on the steps of the Arkansas State Capitol for a Tea Party rally on Thursday evening."
But the four central Arkansas television stations affiliated with ABC, NBC, CBS, and FOX practically ignored the statewide protests. The local NBC affiliate ran a 20 second story on the nationwide protests but didn't even bother to include footage of the event in Little Rock, only a few blocks from their studio. Local CBS and FOX affiliates have no video of the downtown protest posted on their websites. And the local ABC station report grossly underestimated the crowd at a measly 400 in their coverage of the event.
Thanks to the internet and new media, you can still get the story the supposed professional journalists won't tell. The following video shows the crowd far surpassed the misleading ABC report that 400 attended.
Americans for Prosperity brought Dick Morris in as the keynote speaker. Morris told the crowd "I used to be a conservative Democrat, but there's no such thing anymore." Other speakers included local talk radio host Dave Elswick, Teresa Oelke with Americans for Prosperity, and Secure Arkansas' Jeannie Burlsworth and Todd Sharp.
Secure Arkansas conducted a straw poll at the rally and has posted the results on their website. Over 1000 submitted ballots that included all candidates who have filed to run for US Senate, US Congress, and all state constitutional offices. Participants were asked to rate candidates who will run unopposed by marking either approve or disapprove.
I only saw three counter protesters hoisting signs that made them clearly stand out among the mostly conservative crowd. These three moved through the crowd without being molested by the 3,000 strong throng of what liberal Democrats and the mainstream media would have you believe are a bunch of bigoted, blood-thirsty, violent hatemongers.
Neither was there present any evidence of racism in the crowd. No signs with the "N" word, no one spitting on minorities present, or hurling racial slurs. And yes, there were minorities present. Not a huge number but more than I noted at last year's event.
As hard as the media and liberal Democrats have tried to demonize and discredit this grassroots uprising, it lives. And it continues to grow.
We still want our country back, and we're standing up to take it back!
Tags: TEA Party, Little Rock, Arkansas, Secure Arkansas, Dick Morris, Americans for Prosperity
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